Black Panther

As we marveled over the fictional movie, Black Panther, one suddenly emerges on Kenyan soil. It is said that one has not been seen in over 100 years; and the rarity that it was spotted in Africa is pretty high. It was researchers from the San Diego Zoo that has made the discovery as they said that the existence of a Black leopard has always been but it wasn't until Tuesday that one has finally been spotted. They also state that since the percentage of all black leopards is only 11% reiterating the fact that it was seen in Africa so surprising. It is recorded that leopards have lost 75% of their population since 1750 and were even categorized under vulnerable on the endangered species list. The last sighting prior to the one on Tuesday was in 1909 in the capital of Ethiopia but are usually found more along Southeast Asia.

another cool fact is that the Black Panther was actually spotted near where the movie "Black Panther" was fictionally based on.


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